Helping You Create The Optimal Channel Strategy

Channel Dynamics can help you develop and implement the best channel strategy for your specific organisation and your specific circumstances.
We can help you determine:
- Whether to use a 1-tier, 2-Tier or 3-Tier channel model
- Whether to use a Sole, Multiple, or No distribution (and which distributors to consider)
- What role your partners should play (market creation, fulfillment, support, etc)
- What percentage of your business will be direct vs indirect?
- The ideal Number and Type of partners (and how to reach them)
- The ROI of using different channel models
- How best to communicate with your channel
- The ideal partner enablement program
In our experience, many of the problems vendors face with their channel aren’t really problems with their partners at all. It’s often that the partner program and engagement model is founded on an unclear or ambiguous strategy. The result is a mis-match of expectations and inconsistent performance metrics.
Our approach to building the right strategy will ensure that you have a clear vison of which partners to recruit, how to find them and develop them, and what metrics to use to measure them. So that the result is a channel that helps you grow with a minimum of management.