We’re delighted to announce the appointment of Chris Fitzgerald – Managing Director, Soft Solutions (NZ) – to be the newest member to join the CompTIA Executive Council.
Chris is a proven leader with 25+ years at the helm of New Zealand distribution company Soft Solutions, a company with 23 staff and representing a number of key brands in the local market.
His principal interests are staff development, marketing strategy, and customer experience. Through his mentoring, many of the Soft Solutions staff he has recruited in entry-level roles have advanced to senior positions inside and outside of Soft Solutions. His business philosophy is that people deal with people and to that end, his business model is for the team to be active in meeting with customers and educating them on solutions that add value for themselves and their customers.
As one of two representatives from New Zealand on CompTIA’s ANZ Executive Council Chris will be focused on helping the local IT industry take advantage of the research, education, and community-led initiatives that CompTIA has a long history of delivering.