CompTIA September Webinar and November Community Meeting

CompTIA are continuing to host high quality and informative events to support their Community here in ANZ. The next webinar is scheduled for September 21st and the next community meeting is being held on November 8th.

The September 21st Webinar is being delivered by Steve Martin of NextDC, who was a key note speaker at the July community meeting. Steve will be presenting Hybrid Complexity = Channel Opportunity… a webinar that explores the evolution of different channel groups, and provides insights on how to discover channel opportunities in a complex cloud environment. 

November Community Meeting is being held at the Westin Sydney on November 8th, and will focus on The Future of Technology. The meeting will host a range of knowledgeable and entertaining speakers exploring topics such as Virtual/Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, the role of nbn, and Blockchain, in addition to announcing our new Mentoring initiative.

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